We do not have and never have advertised for any jobs on any social media or job platforms. People are being duped into doing translation or 're-typing' work and then having to pay money to prove their ID. The criminals say the payment would be refunded with their wages.
We never solicit for work to be carried out on Telegram, Whatsapp, gmail, linkedin, Instagram, Facebook or any other social media platform.
If you are contacted by anyone on any platform then they are criminals who will steal your time and your money by asking for payment to prove your ID before they can release funds for the work.
We have been contacted by people all over the world so please be vigilant and be suspicious of any jobs advertised on any platform. If you see a job advertised for "Marine Software" then it is totally fake and should be reported to the police with the contact details of the criminals who contacted you.
Please stay alert and don't give away your personal details, time or your money to these criminals.
One individual who has contacted us has provided us of a copy of the fake contract. See pdf Linked here
If the scammers contact you on Telegram then please report the telegram user:-
Send a screenshot of the scam account and any other information to @notoscam on Telegram (or via their website). You can also send an email to abuse@telegram.org with the scammers username and a description of the scam. See https://www.addtelegrammember.com/report-telegram-scammers/ for details
Report the contact by following this guide https://faq.whatsapp.com/1142481766359885/?cms_platform=android"
People have told us they have been asked to email the following email addresses
These are not our email address's and you should report any email received from them to google by following the guide at https://support.google.com/mail/answer/8253
If you have been asked to email any gmail account then just assume its a scam!
The scammers have also used this email address in their communications of support@marinesoftwareuk.com This is also not our email address or our domain name. Unless the email address is is from a marinesoftware.co.uk address then assume the email is a scam.
You need to report the user to the platform you saw the job advert on, this will help the site to pull the advert and stop other users from being defrauded.
Report the user on the job platform / social media site / whatsapp / telegram / gmail. Each platform has their own way of reporting phising users / fake profiles / criminal activity.
We have included details of telegram, whatsapp and gmail reporting above.
Report the Crime to https://complaint.ic3.gov/ and also report it to your local or national police force.
Victims in the UK can place a report to Action Fraud. If you haven't paid any money then file a report at https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/reportscam. If you have paid money then file a report at https://reporting.actionfraud.police.uk/reporting/victim. The Action Fraud Phone number is 0300 1232040